Answering Services Make New Year’s Resolutions

Posted in Answering Services, Business, Customer Service, Marketing.

Like other businesses, answering services providers need to make New Year’s resolutions. That’s where you come in. With the involvement of their clients, answering services usually take this time to strategically reflect upon areas of accomplishment. It’s also a great time to begin to address areas of growth where desired results were not achieved the… Read more »

How Bilingual Answering Services Can Work for You

Posted in Answering Services, Business, Customer Service, Marketing.

Savvy businesses are employing bilingual answering services to accommodate their callersand increase the number of potential customers. Within the next few years the Hispanic population will make up nearly 20% of the population in the United States. Those answering service agents that can speak fluently in both Spanish and English have the capability to handle… Read more »

Every Call Is Important

Posted in Answering Services, Business, Customer Service, Marketing.

Regardless of who calls your business, every call is important. You won’t always get the opportunity to call them back if you missed their call or sent them straight to voicemail. We understand that business meetings and other parts of life are as important as that phone call, but at the end of the day,that… Read more »

Organized Call Logs Done Right

Posted in Answering Services, Business, Customer Service, Marketing.

Answering services, call centers, front desks and anyone else that keeps records of call data should keep organized call logs. When someone calls in, it is important to keep a detailed record of the caller’s information. Answering services specifically use call logs to establish reliability in the company’s billing practices. Follow these proven strategies to… Read more »

Answering Services to the Rescue: Call Overflow

Posted in Business, CRM, Customer Service.

Call overflow is like driving on the interstate during rush hour. When businesses get calls during peak periods in a day or season, it is nice to have a backup route that can control traffic and avoid messy issues or collisions. Your customers are important, and if overflow is causing you to miss a call,… Read more »