Benefits of A Virtual Receptionist Service

Why do you need a virtual receptionist? How your calls are answered and managed are critical for your business success. From the first time a potential customer calls requesting a quote, to the day to day operations, having a live receptionist is essential for the growth of your business. A receptionist plays a vital role on filtering those calls that need immediate attention. Our services go beyond typical virtual receptionists’ services of answering calls, scheduling appointments and handling customer with care and expertise. We make sure customer satisfaction is a priority through our “one time resolution” protocols. The benefits of a virtual receptionist service include:  
  • Cost-Effective: Virtual receptionists are typically more affordable than hiring a full-time, in-house receptionist. You save on salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment.
  • Professionalism: Virtual receptionists provide a professional image to your business. They handle calls and inquiries with a high level of professionalism, making a positive impression on clients and customers.
  • 24/7 Availability: Many virtual receptionist services operate around the clock, ensuring that your business is accessible to clients in different time zones or those with urgent needs.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Virtual receptionists are trained to provide excellent customer service. They can handle inquiries, schedule appointments, and address customer concerns, improving overall customer satisfaction.
  • Call Screening: Virtual receptionists can screen calls, filtering out spam or non-essential calls, so you only deal with important matters.
  • Appointment Scheduling: They can manage your calendar and schedule appointments, reducing scheduling conflicts and helping you stay organized.
  • Scalability: Virtual receptionist services can scale up or down to accommodate your business’s changing needs, ensuring you always have the right level of support.
Now, many businesses believe a live receptionist is a luxury that they cannot afford. Responsive Answering can provide you with an excellent live telephone answering service and at a fraction of your expected costs. With Responsive virtual receptionists, you’ll gain top-notch service at a fraction of the price of an on-site receptionist.

Virtual Receptionist for Lawyers

Lawyers often have incredibly demanding schedules that require their full attention. Having a virtual receptionist service in place can be especially beneficial for legal professionals. As a legal answering service, Responsive appreciates that your time is valuable, and that’s why our virtual receptionists are dedicated to efficiently managing your calls, appointments, and messages. If you are in court, you cannot be interrupted by phone calls. A virtual receptionist for lawyers service can efficiently manage incoming calls, screen for urgent matters, take messages and schedule appointments while you are focused on representing your clients. We’ve designed our service with the flexibility and professionalism you need to maintain a polished image and provide outstanding client service, all while allowing you to focus on the legal matters that demand your expertise. Our live receptionists for attorneys can take care of your calls, while also providing office and administrative support for you. A As answering service professionals experienced in the legal industry, our staff knows it’s very important to manage your calls ,establish personal connections and deliver first-class customer service. The responsibilities of an outsourced virtual receptionist include, but are not limited to:
  • Live Phone answering,
  • Live Phone transferring,
  • Call screening/forwarding,
  • Appointment scheduling,
  • Customized greetings,
  • Flexible call routing,
  • Administrative support,
  • Email & fax services, and
  • Message taking.
Responsive makes all these virtual personal assistant services affordable, and more than often, profitable for those in need. Our service does not only consist of operators sitting by telephones, our Virtual Receptionists are fully equipped with computers, scanners, and printers to respond to any executive assistant need you can think of, and to provide top-notch services. Our state-of-the-art answering service systems and technicians will work with you so as to integrate our business to yours in a seamless way. When one of your clients calls you or your company, they will be greeted by someone who names your company/practice when they answer the phone. We will follow your instructions carefully and can respond to your ever-changing needs on a daily basis.