Energy & Utilities Company Answering Service

If you’re in the Utility Service Provider business you’re probably a very busy person who is constantly called upon on the phone. Responsive answering services allow you and your staff to have the call management support you need, to stay on top of your game. Not only can we answer private calls for you, we can also become your business’ outsourced call center. In this day and age, a disgruntled customer will rant about your poor service and company in social media and to nearby friends. It is imperative for energy and utility companies to have top-notch answering services to prevent permanent negative reviews. A system failure can happen at any time, so you want to be ready to respond to your customers in a moment of crisis. You need to have an adequate response team who can take care of an excess number of callers. Does your company have unlimited inbound lines? Do you have a small army of operators working for you, 24 hours a day 7 days a week? If you contract Responsive Answering, you will! When someone calls your company, they will not be greeted by someone who mentions Responsive Answering. Our call answering systems include a personalized salutation with your brand or company name. We don’t believe in automated call centers, we strongly believe that every business’ customer should be able to talk to a live person. Our staff will be trained and retrained extensively to know how your business works and to respond accordingly. Our professional telephone answering services include constant operator supervision by part of our quality assurance department. As a utility service provider you also have the ability to call a special number to monitor our representative’s live calls. Responsive’s telephone answering services can assist you with your inbound and outbound calls. If there is ever a need to call thousands of your customers urgently to notify them about an emergency or an event, Responsive Answering can take care of that for you.