General Info

How much experience does Responsive Answering have?

The center with the longest time in operation is located in Marietta, GA. It has helped customers with their call management for over 40 years.

Does your answering service agency support operations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Yes, it does.

What is Responsive Answering’s current call volume and working capacity?

We have over 140 US employees who tend 6,500,000 calls per year. Our Latin American employees total 165 and manage 915,800 calls per year.

Where are your answering service centers located?

Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Lima, Perú, Managua, Nicaragua View Locations

What industries does Responsive Answering support?


What kind of training do your agents undertake prior to taking live calls for clients?

All our staff endures 3 weeks of intensive training prior to live call answering. Our agents are later tested to ensure they’ve learned what has been taught to them.

Do your operators receive continuous training year-round?

Yes. Our quality assurance department monitors operator performance and trains agents accordingly.

Do you have the systems necessary to support anonymous remote call monitoring?

Yes, our clients are able to access our systems to supervise their company’s calls, without disturbing or alerting our operators.

Are any of your services offered by organizations outside your company?

We fully own and operate our entire international and US based answering service sites.

Are your work stations enabled with multi-channels?

Yes, our representatives are able to host 3-way calls.

Do you have multilingual representatives at all of your answering service agencies?

Yes, we do.