- Excellent communication skills Bilingual employees have been found to conduct exquisite communication and listening skills. Researchers from Northwestern University have found that people that speak several languages can process information more quickly and efficiently than those that only know one language. These cognitive benefits facilitate bilingual employees in distinguishing relevant and irrelevant information. As well as act in a more alert manner, offering a quicker ability to deal with ambiguities and resolve conflicts.
- Better at Multi-tasking Recent studies suggest that bilingual employees have advanced mental skills since they are constantly excising their brains and developing brain power. Dr. Bialystok at York University in Toronto states that jugglingthe comprehension of two languages boosts one of the most important parts of the brain known as the executive control system. This concept has as well been supported by the National Institutes of Health which funded a study which found that people that speak more than one language have an easier time switching between two tasks. Furthermore, switching between tasks indicates anability to multi-task.
- Reach International Arena Bilingual employees can be a valuable member(s) of your staff because they can reach a larger variety of clientele. Employees that speak two languages can usually differentiate regional interests and customers. They provide an open door to not only localizing services but geo-targeting to a larger pool of possible customers.