Posted & in Answering Services, Business, Customer Service, Marketing.

Emergency Answering Service Must Haves It is undeniable that businesses may run into the forces of nature. Your firm may be located in a hurricane zone, an active fault, or in a tornado valley, but what are you going to do when actual disaster hits? An answering service designed to handle emergency calls may offer the solution you are looking for while you are picking up the aftermath. Every call that is missed, is a job lost. Here are the must haves that your answering service should be equipped with in case you encounter an emergency:
  • 24/7 Answering You will want a firm to represent you during the down times that meets customer demands. When natural disasters hit and emergencies affectboth companies and their clients, customers could be calling at all hours of the day and week. They will try to contact you when it is most convenient for them. Everyone affected by emergencies will be trying to work through the situation they may have been dealt, which means their time is valuable.

  • Bilingual Support During emergencies we rely on those that are closest to us, to work through our to-do recovery lists. It may be the client, the client’s family member, or a friend of the client.Bilingual staff help your company to be prepared to assistance anyone that may be calling in regards to your services.

  • Appointment Scheduling Chances are when an emergency hits you won’t be able to hold appointments that same day. In fact, your client may cancel, but how are you going to control the flow of calls, appointments and planning for recovery all at the same time? Answering Services that are able to provide appointment scheduling are the perfect solution to your concerns. They can allow you to focus on what you need to focus on, while still keeping the company’sattention directed on those that matter the most; the customers.

  • Back-up to Your Back-up If you have been providedwith the assistance of an answering service, it important to make sure that your backup has a backup. See if your answering service has backup generators, data backups, battery backups and the vital, as well as reliable, dial tone provider and internet provider.

To ensure company growth and customer satisfaction during a catastrophe, contact your local answering service to see if they can assist and protect your customers while controlling company flow in an emergency.