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 8 Reasons Why Emergency Disaster Restoration Businesses Need an Answering Service Disaster can strike at any corner with no warning, leaving no time to prepare or respond. In the fast-paced world of emergency disaster restoration, ensuring that you’re available for every call during a disaster is crucial. The emergency damage restoration industry in the US is valued at $7.1B and is projected to grow at the rate of 4.5% per year. This means a high number of inquiries but also stiff competition. Whether it’s a flood, earthquake, or fire, callers require an immediate and speedy response no matter what time it is. They won’t wait for a call back during drastic times of emergency, so it is vital to be able to take the call within the first ring.
  1. Never Miss a Call from A Client Looking for Emergency Disaster Restoration
When you miss an emergency call, this can lead to missed opportunities and lost profits that your business can’t afford to miss out on. 85% of people whose calls are not answered will not call back, according to Gitnux, an independent market research platform. A missed call can quickly cause a negative impact on your business’s reputation, which can impact the growth of your business. Emergencies are delicate matters, often times coming from high-stress individuals, so it’s important to be prompt with call response times and more importantly have the right education. A short call response rate will ensure to increase customer retention and satisfaction long term, bringing along more referral revenue.   Because emergencies are delicate and high-stress situations for your customers, it’s important to be on your toes when it comes to the phone. When that first call is taken, it ensures that customers can put their trust into your services and keep coming back whenever a disaster hits. You’ll be sure to not only improve customer retention, but gain more customers when recommendations between families and friends start to spread. With our Responsive Emergency Disaster Restoration Answering Service, you’ll gain access to a team of dedicated agents who will make sure that every call will be promptly answered with around-the clock coverage. Your team can provide their undivided attention to supporting their customers during times of need while we take care of your phone calls.
  1. Enhance Customer Satisfaction With a Professional Answering Service for Emergency Disaster Restoration Businesses
An answering service will not only ensure that every call is answered, but also ensure that every customer is met with unparalleled professionalism and support. When you utilize an outsourced answering service, customer satisfaction is ensured to improve. This can lead to higher customer retention, a positive reputation, and a boost in sales for your business. Whether you specialize in water damage restoration, mold remediation, or fire damage restoration, an answering service is able to provide customized solutions for any type of restoration that you offer, and can handle any type of customer.  Our professional agents will be sure to answer any calls with utmost courtesy and will be able to reassure and support your customers during times of a crisis, which can be just what they need at the time. You’ll be able to enhance your business’s reputation by providing your customers with the professional service that they deserve.
  1. Providing 24/7 Availability & After Hours Answering
When you have to be on-site to handle disaster emergencies, being available at all hours of the day can be difficult. With our 24/7 live answering service, we can be on-call at all times, after-hours, weekends, and even holidays. You can relax and enjoy your time off while we manage your calls at all times. By outsourcing your phone answering, you don’t have to worry about paying overtime to your staff for extra hours or working holidays. With an answering service like Responsive, you’ll be ensuring that your business is always available for your customers. This will result in a long-lasting, positive impression on your clients, showing them that you are dedicated to their recovery and your job. 51% of people say a business needs to be available 24/7 to meet their modern-day expectations, according to Influx. Being available 24/7 not only ensures that you’re always there for emergencies, but also lets customers know that you’re willing to put in the work to satisfy their needs. Rest assured that you’ll never miss another emergency when you have a dedicated answering service to take your calls.
  1. Emergency Disaster Restoration Dispatching
Outsourcing your phone answering to answering service can allow you to integrate your system to develop a reliable and timely response to emergency calls. When answering service agents receive vital information over the phone regarding an emergency, they work quickly to relay that information to your team so that they can be rapidly dispatched to answer those emergencies. With integration into your business’s system, the agents will be able to send out your available technicians to deal with the emergencies so that you don’t have to handle the hassle of finding who is available to be sent out.
  1. Screen the Emergency Calls that are the Most Important
Eliminate spam calls, and wrong numbers with call screening. It can be frustrating receiving irrelevant phone calls when there are urgent calls that need to be attended to. With our call screening service, we answer all calls for you and organize them so that they are transferred to the right people. This way, no customer is left unsatisfied when reaching out and that they never meet the wrong person. You get to choose the criteria for which calls are urgent and which aren’t, and we’ll make sure to follow your directions so that you can attend to the most important calls. According to TrueCaller, Americans wasted an estimated 219 million hours on answering spam calls in just the past year. With a call screening service, these spam calls can be reduced so that your team doesn’t waste any more of their precious time.
  1. Utilize Highly Trained Answering Service Agents
Our skilled agents from across the country have received extensive training and have been tested to ensure that they are capable of providing the highest-quality service to our customers. Whether you have special instructions or requests for answering your calls, our agents will be sure to follow them with accuracy and precision. Our agents are familiar with the protocol, terminology, and processes when it comes to emergency disaster situations, so you don’t have to worry about any mistakes being made or further training needing to be done. Because our agents are highly trained and skilled to take calls, you and your employees don’t have to worry about learning the skills of how to properly take calls and incorporate professional receptionist etiquette and can instead focus on what you were trained to do: emergency disaster restoration. This way, no one has to step outside of their comfort zone and can do what they do best. An answering service who has been in the industry for many years, like Responsive Answering Service, may just be the answer to your problems.
  1. Cost-Effective Solutions for Emergency Disaster Restoration
We understand how important cost comes into play when deciding on services that will benefit your business, and that dealing with several different aspects and jobs to your business can add up in cost. An answering service can provide the support that you need at the fraction of the cost of an in-house receptionist. You’ll be able to cut down on costs and save money through outsourcing your calls so that those funds and resources can go towards improving your equipment and your business. With Responsive Answering Service, our prices start as low as $29/month and are highly customizable towards your specific needs.
  1. Reach Wider Markets with Bilingual Support
It’s important to ensure that you can cater to all customers, no matter what language they speak. Disasters don’t only strike on people who speak English, so being able to speak to all sorts of customers no matter the language barrier is crucial in providing the best service and support to your customers. According to EdSurge, The US has nearly 41.8 million Spanish speakers, making it have the fifth-largest population of Spanish speakers in the entire world. While your customers are dealing with the aftermath of a disaster, speaking perfect English isn’t top of mind, especially if it isn’t their first language. Our agents are not only fluent in English, but we have many agents that are bilingual and fluent in Spanish as well. With our bilingual service, you’ll be able to reach larger markets than before. Choosing the Right Emergency Disaster Restoration Answering Service There are a variety of different answering services to choose from for your emergency disaster restoration business, but how can you choose the right one? Considering all of the reasons as to why an answering service is important in evaluating which answering service to choose. The right answering service should meet all of your requirements and more, and bring the most bang for your buck. Some features of what an answering service can do for your business are:
  • Ensuring that all callers are answered and attended to for maximum support and satisfaction of each caller
  • Enabling speedy and quick response times and emergency disaster dispatches to each site
  • Allowing your team to attend to and focus on the most urgent calls and emergencies first without having to worry about the rest
  • Saving on costs by using an affordable answering service so that your business can allocate its funds and resources on what’s most important
At Responsive Answering Service, we not only answer calls, but also provide a variety of solutions to ensure that your emergency disaster restoration business stays ahead of the curve. With our top-notch service, you can enjoy benefits from 24/7/365 availability to enhanced customer satisfaction, and more. Incorporating an answering service for your emergency disaster restoration business can be the key to your business’s success. Whether your business specializes in repairing water damage or flooding, fire damage, earthquake damage, or helping customers with other types of emergency damage, you deserve to work with the best answering service that understands your industry. When you choose an answering service like Responsive Answering Service, rest assured that your customers and business are in safe hands. Contact us today to learn more about our reliable answering service for your emergency disaster restoration needs!