- • Professional Call Answering and Routing – When calls come into your contracting business, your Responsive Answering Service operators answer them as a representative of your company and make certain that they are routed to you and your staff as you specify. You receive messages just as you choose, via email, phone, text or pager.
- • Efficient Dispatching – Responsive Answering Service operators trained in your protocols can quickly and efficiently send your staff where they are needed when they are needed.
- • Appointment Scheduling – Our operators can sync with your online calendar to schedule your appointments. We continually notify you each time this is done and you never miss an opportunity to meet with those most important to your business.
- • Comprehensive Inbound and Outbound Lead Calls – Industry research shows that the more quickly inbound leads are addressed, the more likely they will turn into new business. Our operators are trained to do precisely this, as their goal is to turn each contact with your contracting business into new business for you. Responsive Answering Service operators can also handle the servicing of your outbound lead calls with the same goals.
- • Available 24/7/365 – Responsive Answering Service’s trained operators are available around the clock every day to handle your calls just the way you would like them to.
- • Bilingual Call Answering, Routing, Dispatch, Appointment Scheduling, and Lead Capture Services – All of our services are available to you in both English and Spanish to make certain that you can grow your business within the Hispanic community.